The Model

Dutch talents portrayed in one minute

The Model is the second edition of one-minute portraits of upcoming Dutch designers. In 2018/2019, thirty designers received the talent development grant by the Creative Industries Fund NL.

In this edition we worked with the talents to develop a fictive structure or imaginary landscape referring to their concepts. This landscape was printed on wooden panels and served as the basis for the films. Our aim was not only to focus on the individual talent but to create an eclectic yet connected world.

Selection of 8 video portraits

The Model

The Model restricted the talents by scale ➝ all works had to be downscaled to model-size or translated in other ways. Films were played on mobile phones or projected.

The format of The Model also emphasizes that the works of the talents are not necessarily applied yet but reflect ambitions, speculations, theories and proposals to our current society.

➝ view the whole collection here

Behind the scene

Framed Portraits

Framed Portraits is the edition of one-minute portraits in 2017/2018. A varied collection of 23 short one minute films celebrating young talented creatives. Each film portrays the individual talent practice of a designer who has been supported by Creative Industries Fund NL talent development grant.

The fund provides them the opportunity to enrich artistic and professional aspects of their practice to an optimum effect.
Creative Industries Fund NL is the Dutch cultural fund for architecture, design and digital culture, as well as every imaginable crossover.

Selection of 8 video portraits


The film portaits present talents across various disciplines from fashion design and graphic design to architecture and digital culture.

The blue frame defines the stage, the talents we asked to play within it showcasing their work. The frame acted as an uniforming restriction producing films yet so diverse.

➝ view the whole collection here

Behind the scene
Behind the scene

Dutch Design Week

All 23 films were presented at the Dutch Design Week 2018. To create an intimate atmosphere and watch the portraits one-on-one we designed three special film booths.

The varying depths of the booths offer different ways to watch and enjoy the film collection.


  • Concept & production
  • Direction
  • Post production
    Jolana Sýkorová
    Grischa Erbe
  • DOP – The Model
    Sal Kroonenberg
  • DOP – Framed Portraits
    Grischa Erbe
  • Sound design – The Model
    Volcano Pork a.k.a.
    Simon Wald-Lasowski
    and Sajoscha Talirz
  • Sound design – Framed Portraits
    Gerry Arling
  • Graphic design
    Jolana Sýkorová
  • Client
    Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie